Tuesday 27 October 2015

Keeping your Home Secure.

While it’s difficult to protect your home from professional thieves, most home burglaries are done by amateurs. These thieves are more easily thwarted if you -employ some of these simple security precautions:

---Plan to “burglarize” yourself. You’ll discover any weaknesses in your security system that may have previously escaped your notice.

---Lock up your home, even if you go out only for a short time. Many burglars just walk in through an unlocked door or window.

---Change all the locks and tumblers when you move into a new house.

---For the most effective alarm system, conceal all wiring. A professional burglar looks for places where he or she can disconnect the security system.

---Your house should appear occupied at all times. Use timers to switch lights and radios on and off when you’re not at home.

20 Tips for a safe driving experience.

1---Before beginning a long drive, always get enough sleep and eat something before you go. Highly caffeinated beverages are not necessarily the best way to stay awake while driving. While initially you will feel more alert, the effects can recede with time, and your attention may wander although you remain awake.

2---Pull over and take breaks every couple of hours, even if you don’t feel sleepy. Grab a snack, get some fresh air, and stretch your legs by walking around. If you need to, take a quick nap.

3---If you can, share the driving responsibilities with someone else. This will allow you to keep an eye on each other while driving and also enable you to nap without losing time. If you’re driving alone, turn on the radio or put on some music, and keep your window cracked open. You may also want to refrain from using your cruise control if you’re driving alone at night — having to concentrate on maintaining your speed can help you stay awake.

Welcome to Essential Saves!!!!

We are please to welcome you to this new blog. Our major focus will be on those things that we tend to neglect in our daily routines, that can either harm or save our lives.

Essential Saves (ES) will spend alot of time reposting, uploading, copying and pasting write ups, blogs from various professionals and picture/videos of live saving issues.

Our topics will be on incidents concerning Fire, Health, Safety, Environment, Vehicular maintenance, House Keeping, Emergencies at home, Kidnapping, steps against attacks by robber and house buglars.

We hope you visit us regularly to get involved, notified, educated and entertained.

Once again, Welcome!!!!